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  Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi
Saturday, May 27

Bev! and Domi! you are both so sweet. Thank you for your kind words! Congratulations Bev on your new domain!

Suzn 11:43:56 PM| link me up


Beautiful redesign Laare!

Suzn 9:50:16 PM| link me up


Moni thank you so much! Maybe less really is more?

Suzn 9:17:15 PM| link me up


I made it to the outing. The weather actually did turn nice and we had some sun and fun and frolic, and I had a few Vodka and Tonic's. I used to be a Gin and Toniker, but then I got really blasted, (in my young and silly days, of course) on Gin Martinis (what was I thinking?) and haven't gone near the stuff since. Let's see, that's a memory waiting to happen.

My best friend Donna's brother's wedding. The wedding was about an hours drive from where we lived and nearer to her parents who put me up for the night. OK so I got blitzed. Her father had to carry me home. They left me sleeping on the couch. I threw up on the sheet that her mom had put on the couch and was so embarassed I hid the sheet behind the couch. They left me there to sleep it off and all went out to an after wedding party. I woke up to find they'd hid my smokes, for fear that in my drunken state I'd burn the house down. They'd hid my car keys so I couldn't drive drunk to the store and get some smokes. I guess, frustrated, I finally fell back to sleep but in the morning Donna's dad insisted we all go to McDonald's for breakfast. If you've never smelled McDonald's on a hangover, believe me, you never want to......wheww..........that was a trip down memory lane.

In any case my friends blasted me for being an anti-socialite and when I mentioned I was Blogging they looked at me with that look of concern and hopelessness that those who have not become addicted to the web so often have.

I have to admit, the air felt good, the grass smelled good, the sun looked good and it was a good day.

Now however, I sit, here, with my never empty cup of coffee and feel good too. ;-)

Suzn 9:07:47 PM| link me up


There are people out there that are better than I am. They have bigger hearts and more open minds; they are more generous than I am, and kinder. I let my feelings get hurt for no reason. The world does not revolve around me. People can not always be timely to me and my needs. Sometimes I'm really a jerk. Most times I really need to grow up. This is my confession. That's all I will say on that.

Suzn 2:32:13 PM| link me up


awww, thank you Leah! It is easier on the eyes. ;-)

Suzn 1:00:21 PM| link me up


Via Web Spinner (Thanks Tammy! I think I'll have to call myself plain jane till I find a design I like :-) ) I traveled to Mz Kitty's new design. I am really not kidding when I say you need to go there, absolutely right now, and stare at the screen. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT take your eyes off of the kitty for a second or you will be sure you've lost your mind and are having hallucinations. I can't stop laughing. I really thought for a second, that what little bit of mind I had left was gone. Great work as always. ;-)

It's 11:45 am here. I have a Bar-b-q at 2pm. I was promised sun and it's cool and dreary. I hope Lisa's (doesn't have a site) kids aren't on the computer. ;-)

Suzn 11:49:05 AM| link me up


I was so frustrated yesterday. Sitemeter the nifty little free tracking service, was down and I couldn't even get here. Just wouldn't let my page open.

Aside from that, I worked on a redesign till the wee hours of the morning. Several redesigns actually, and didn't like a one of them. I got so disgusted I did this! I couldn't look at it the way it was, I was starting to think that someone was lacing my drinks with Acid and it was a bad trip. So now it's no trip, but at least my eyes aren't in a permanent state of Nystagmus.

Suzn 10:50:04 AM| link me up


Friday, May 26

Moni!!! Yes I do like your new look lots!!!

Suzn 1:57:20 PM| link me up


It is true, I never did get much sleep last night. I was still looking at the clock at 3:30am but I had gotten into bed about 2am I think. In, out, up, down and still no sleep. I was working on a new design for this blog. It's so overdue. Believe it or not blue is my least favorite color in the world. Except for maybe one navy blue pinstripe suit and my "blue jeans" I don't even own any blue clothing and there is no blue in my home. So I still can't figure out how I did it with so much blue. I will concede that blue seems to be one of the easiest colors to use on the web.

Well, anyway, I was going for greens and peaches, my favorite colors, and just didn't like anything. I just wasn't really wowed by anything. My peaches were looking "dirty" and my greens just too grey.

Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow.

Leah, I had the same experience yesterday. I had a bad dream somewhere in the night. I guess near the time I awakened. I couldn't remember a thing but I awakened with this strange sense of foreboding. It sets a bad tone for the entire day, I think.

Not too many hours to go here now...then it's a 3 day weekend.

Suzn 1:20:53 PM| link me up


Thursday, May 25

I got home from work at 7p and thought I'd put my head down for two minutes...just two. So now, two HOURS and a half later, I awake to find

I'm wide awake and will not be able to sleep tonite.

I'm craving a cup of coffee which will make matters worse, but my brain must think it's morning.

Leah has a Blog!!! Hey you, I'm so glad to see you here!! And of course a beautiful design as always. ;-)

Suzn 9:46:02 PM| link me up


I just went somewhere (a blog site) that was discussing CD's and it reminded me to bring the Sarah Brightman CD to work. I've been promising to bring it for several days now and I keep forgetting. CRS.

But the best part is that a week ago my office was moved. It's really a good thing and the construction work is finally done..(hanging a cabinet and some other stuff ) and all of my files are put away and it's really nice.

My office mate, before this, well, it's not that we didn't get along, it's just that we are very different. I like peace and quiet and neatness when I work and she likes noise, confusion and she is very sloppy . Her desk and everything around her was a mess and she was invading my space and it made me crazy.

But the probably worst part was that she used to blast her radio on a station that played a lot of "club music". I'd walk into the office and half of the time she wasn't even there but this radio of hers would be going full blast. I'd honestly want to toss the thing through the window. I'd shut it off, and she'd come back in and turn it on...I'd tell her to turn it down and she would until I left the office, when I returned it would be blasting again.

Papers were strewn about, everywhere and sometimes I really thought my head would explode or I was going to toss HER out of the window.

I have to admit I am very territorial (if I were a man I'd be pissing on everything) and when her files and papers started to move into my space I thought I'd have a fit. I'd unceremoniously start to throw them back in her space. (yeah nothing like dealing with the issue head on).

Sue is such a dear person, and knowing how miserable I was becoming, she asked our admin. if she and I could share an office. Since there was going to be some rearranging anyway...our admin did it. Out of the deal I also got a carpeted office in a nicer area and a much nicer desk.

So what does that have to do with anything?? ha, a long diatribe that started with the CD thing. Because Sue and I at least like the same music and so I will bring the Sarah Brightman/Andrea Bocelli CD in today...and maybe some Basia and some Billy Joel. ;-)

Suzn 7:39:49 AM| link me up


I never used to receive a lot of spam. Now it seems it's there in droves all of the time. Ya know what bugs me the most. These people really try to get right next to you. The letters addressed "Dear Susan" so that they seem like a friend. Yes, well I do suppose it's good practice from their end. Be their friend, make them feel close to you, and they will buy your product, use your services...etc. When I start to receive mail from the marketeers with the salutation of Dear Suzie, Hey Suz, Hi Hon.........I think I will have to start to burn 'em.

I'm too old for a six day work week and since I did have to go in to work this past Sunday, I feel like I've been at work forever. Thankfully this coming week is a short one...because I'm so tired I'll need the extra day off just to recuperate.

Suzn 7:15:15 AM| link me up


Wednesday, May 24

Congratulations Moni!!

Suzn 7:17:12 PM| link me up


I'm truly tired of this bad weather and I'm tired of hearing myself complaining about the weather but here was the ultimate kick in the butt. It rained this wasn't really that cold though, not like it's been. Somewhere about 1pm, the sun came out in all it's glory and the sky was beautiful! Except for the occasional trek downstairs to the "smoker's alley" however, I really couldn't enjoy it and I looked so forward to coming home in the sunlight and maybe even getting to the garden.

I left work and began to drive home, with the sun looking curiously not so bright. About 6 miles into my twenty mile trip everything went dark and the wind started whipping furiously. Then it started to pour buckets!

The moral of the story: Bring a lawn chair and tanning oil to work and take longer cigarette breaks.

This is funny in an odd sort of way (or odd in a funny sort of way) because the first time I saw a picture of Faith I thought she looked very familiar. Like perhaps I'd known her many years ago. It's also odder because I was adopted, yes as an infant, so I'm never quite sure what parts of my gene pool are floating around somewhere. ;-)

Suzn 6:45:32 PM| link me up


Rain again. The forecast says some sun on Thursday and Friday and then...rain again.

I saw something unsettling to me. I read it twice, maybe 3 x's. A post that stated in no uncertain terms, the reasons that people should link to other blogs. Now it's my personal opinion that this link thing needs a rest...but I do hate (yup I used the word) being told what I "should" be doing and what I "shouldn't" be doing. I do dislike ( didn't use the word ) someone so full of themself that they are sure their way is the "right" way. Ok so it wasn't directed at me personally, but I just wonder where people get off making blanket statements that don't even start with "I believe". That begin with "This is the way..." and end with something to the effect of "this is the way because this is the way I do it." This is not an exact science. This is not rocket science. If it were I might have called this Blog "Euclid's Place" or at the very least "Einstein's Alley"...but this is a Blog! pish go your way and I'll go mine.

Suzn 7:51:59 AM| link me up


Tuesday, May 23

Well I guess we solved the problems of the world today. At least I hope we did. Long meeting...decent food ;-) and my pager went off incessantly so I had to keep leaving. hehe. Couldn't have worked out better if I had planned it myself.

It's unlike me not to have too much to say. I was even accused of being quiet at work today. Maybe people just need stuff to complain about...or maybe I'm coming down with a bug...or maybe I just didn't feel like talking. Analyze this!

I do need to go and do some things tonite, like pay the mortgage, so my computer and I are not sitting out on main street. Pay the truck payments so at least if my computer and I are on main street we have a place to go if it rains...and the insurance so when it rains and I'm in the truck with the computer we can scoot on over to Don's and get a pizza.

See ya. ;-)

Suzn 8:49:16 PM| link me up


Rain again. It's been gray here for what seems like forever. It's miserable, rainy and chilly, and I HAD to put the heat on again. Next weekend is the 1st official weekend of the new season. It's the weekend when people go to the shore, bar-b-q, and open their summer homes. I haven't heard the forecast, I hope we have some sun by then. I did hear the forecast for the next few days. Rain. ;-(

Meetings again today. Just an excuse for someone to hear themselves talk. Geez, maybe I should suggest they get a Blog. Then at least I won't HAVE TO open my browser.

Have you ever typed an entire paragraph only to find your right hand was one key over in the wrong direction. Your entire paragraph looks something like this: "O wjem os s;;ejjjg utje gors wemt tp", could become a method of "secret code".

Gotta go.

Suzn 7:41:23 AM| link me up


Monday, May 22

This post just blew me away. The expression is more than beautiful, more than eloquent -- it left me breathless.

Suzn 8:29:47 PM| link me up


Dink saw a need and tried to fulfill it and in many ways I understand it clearly. An attempt to curtail negativity. Not the type that is an expression of opinion, or a controlled rebuttal to another opinion, that I think is ok. An attempt instead to alert all of us, that there are people behind the images on your screen, and those people have feelings. To attack unprovoked, in a severely derogatory manner, someone who has expressed an opinion, or who has a design that is not pleasing [ to someone ], or to go out of their way to express an opinion that will truly hurt another...that I believe is the impetus for her cause. I haven't asked her, I could be wrong, but that is my interpretation of it.

So why haven't I joined, you ask? Because I'm not that great at joining. I'm not that great at lumping myself within a cause that I might not be able to fulfill my obligations to. Oh no, I have no desire to admonish anyone, their thoughts, their design, their purpose nor will you find me drawing a sword...first. However, I know myself well enough to know my imperfections and I can be reactive. Thus, if someone were to draw a sword against me, or against something I hold dear, I might well be the first to draw blood.

But then I believe, that every time I let someone incite me, I've sold a part of myself, and lost a part of my soul. Not that there aren't things worth fighting for. God, truth, freedom. But that's not what this site aims at, no I do not believe that Dink means to give up fighting for truths but to give up fighting for nothing more than superficial aims at having one's own opinions heard in spite of what they may do to others and merely for "the entertainment factor".

Not a bad thing you have done there Dink, and you may just find my name in the list one of these days.

Suzn 7:57:16 PM| link me up


New issues. Helping never hurts.

Suzn 6:40:58 PM| link me up


They say that after a while one begins to look like their dog. Yikes, I'm in twubble.

Is it Friday yet?

Suzn 7:28:15 AM| link me up


Sunday, May 21

Ok now Jish, I just fixed my weblogger ring code to the new one. If I didn't screw anything up, I'm gone.

Suzn 11:39:12 PM| link me up


I love this entry(the one about the wallpaper (5.21.00). It made me laugh. I love a dry sense of humor and when someone can laugh at themself.

Wow, I've just used the right click "blog this" feature for the first time, and if this works it's really cool! I'm impressed, but then I impress easily.

Suzn 9:14:16 PM| link me up


I feel a redesign coming on ;-)

Suzn 8:47:53 PM| link me up


The meeting was fine. Really good even. And Maria, a staff member, and a friend, who also had recently suffered an awful miscarriage and just returned to work last week, told me she thinks of my words often. Words said to comfort her, you just never know, if they penetrate, if they make a difference. I'm glad they did.

Then I mowed the lawn. I used to love that. The smell of the freshly cut grass is intoxicating. I guess I am getting old. It's beginning to take longer and it didn't help that it was wet. But it had to get done. Fertilizer + rain = forest. It had to get done.

In spite of all of the controversy, I still think Blogging is fun. I'm not concerned with who does it and why. I will not even concern myself with why I do it....because, I might not like what I discover. I will, take it for what it's worth at the moment....and when it becomes worthless, if ever it does, to me, then I guess I'll be done.

I just found
this site. Or perhaps it's the first time I've really noticed it. I love the design. The colors and layout speak to my senses. ;-)

Yes, I think I am a little sad tonite. Loss is always sorrowful, and seeing Maria, after her loss, made me a bit sad. The story is sad but I can't tell it's not mine to tell. Suffice to say, I know she still hurts and I hurt for her.

Suzn 7:46:24 PM| link me up


This is scary.

Suzn 10:42:06 AM| link me up


Yes I feel a little kooky today. First, I didn't fall asleep 'til after 5am. I just wasn't tired and I was watching "Die Hard 2" for probably the umpteenth time....and yes I still like it. I still like the way Bruce Willis purses his lips together in that cute little look of consternation. I like action movies and I like to see the "bad guys" lose and the "good guys" win.

I set my alarm for 8:30 am, hardly enough sleep, but I have to go into work today to hold a staff meeting...yeah really...and I wanted to get a few things done. I woke up at 9:30 am thinking it was Monday and I was horribly late for work and I started jumping around in a panic. Ever have that happen to you? It's the weirdest feeling isn't it?

Well thankfully some semblance of sanity came to me within about 5 minutes and I was able to make some sense out of the morning. So now I've got to go write an agenda, gather some stuff together, and make the 20 mile trip by 1pm. No problem.

Suzn 10:22:53 AM| link me up


Why do we link?...that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to link to all of the blogs in the world or just the blogs that link to you? Not exactly something to keep Shakespeare from rolling over in his grave.

But since you asked, I link to blogs of friends and reciprocal linkers first and I then, also link to blogs I just happen to like whether or not they link to me. Sometimes, someone doesn't update their blog and/or I just don't like it anymore, so pooof. Bye bye blogger, I hate to see you go..BUT it's my blog and I'll link if I want if I want to.....

See, the fact remains that my blog is for me, and my links are blogs I like to visit...they are my bookmarks...('cuz you don't think if I really believed anyone else read my blog I'd be writing such inane stuff here do you?) At least I'd TRY to make it Pulitzer Prize material. But no, this is just a's not brain surgery.

Suzn 10:00:48 AM| link me up


Got some funky pictures. You knew if you stayed long enough it was bound to happen.

It's nice to be able to air out yer brains every once in a while. Just scoop em out and place them atop your monitor.

A brain in the hand is worth two in the ........? Got a great answer?


Ahhh, a place to call home.

: )



I know what you're thinking....those brains look awfully small! Well, if the brains fit, wear them.

Suzn 1:23:25 AM| link me up


Suz Cam

Places to go-

Web Spinner
My Brain on Blog
Me At Midnight
In Hormoney
Illusions of Grandeur
West of Normalcy
Intellectual Suicide
Behind Closed Doors
Dreaming Reality
So I Say
Swallowing Tacks
The Gaylery
Lake Effect
Riot Hero
Think Dink
Keith Brown
The Impudite
The Garden Cafe
Digital Asylum
Sweet & Sour

Support the Digital Divas


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